Farewell. The Flying Pig Has Left The Building.

Steve Hynd, August 16, 2012

After four years on the Typepad site, eight years total blogging, Newshoggers is closing it's doors today. We've been coasting the last year or so, with many of us moving on to bigger projects (Hey, Eric!) or simply running out of blogging enthusiasm, and it's time to give the old flying pig a rest.

We've done okay over those eight years, although never being quite PC enough to gain wider acceptance from the partisan "party right or wrong" crowds. We like to think we moved political conversations a little, on the ever-present wish to rush to war with Iran, on the need for a real Left that isn't licking corporatist Dem boots every cycle, on America's foreign misadventures in Afghanistan and Iraq. We like to think we made a small difference while writing under that flying pig banner. We did pretty good for a bunch with no ties to big-party apparatuses or think tanks.

Those eight years of blogging will still exist. Because we're ending this typepad account, we've been archiving the typepad blog here. And the original blogger archive is still here. There will still be new content from the old 'hoggers crew too. Ron writes for The Moderate Voice, I post at The Agonist and Eric Martin's lucid foreign policy thoughts can be read at Democracy Arsenal.

I'd like to thank all our regular commenters, readers and the other bloggers who regularly linked to our posts over the years to agree or disagree. You all made writing for 'hoggers an amazingly fun and stimulating experience.

Thank you very much.

Note: This is an archive copy of Newshoggers. Most of the pictures are gone but the words are all here. There may be some occasional new content, John may do some posts and Ron will cross post some of his contributions to The Moderate Voice so check back.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

If Michael Yon Were Some Unknown Muslim....

By Steve Hynd

Michael Yon, the favorite "independent national security journalist" of the far right, got momentarily detained today at Seattle airport. It's pretty much a nonhappening but you know the armchair warriors will be up in arms. So far, we've only gotten Yon's version of events:

Got arrested at the Seattle airport for refusing to say how much money I make. (The uniformed ones say I was not "arrested", but they definitely handcuffed me.) Their videos and audios should show that I was polite, but simply refused questions that had nothing to do with national security. Port authority police eve...ntually came -- they were professionals -- and rescued me from the border bullies.

James Joyner is right - something doesn't add up.

While I�ve never flown in and out of Seattle, I�ve flow in and out of the country several times post-9/11 and have never been asked, coming or going, how much I made or anything more personal than �What�s the purpose for your visit?�   If, however, they are asking these sort of insipid questions � let alone handcuffing people who refuse to answer them � our airline security system has even more problems than I thought.

I'd be the last person to defend TSA's lunatic and professionally paranoid bullies, but Yon has a track record of flouting the rules and sensationalizing events. Which brings me to the real reason for my bothering to mention this nonhappening - Michelle Malkin's ZOMG111!One post on Yon's temporary detainment.

I�ve met Michael and have blogged about his enterprising war coverage as an embed in Iraq and Afghanistan for years. The idea of him being treated as a national security threat and handcuffed is as ridiculous as anything we�ve seen from Janet Clown-itano and her cadre...We�re at Code Red Elmo on the Homeland Insecurity Scale.

It's hypocrisy pure and simple, from a woman who has often written about the need for far stricter border controls. Can anyone doubt that if Yon were some Anonymous Ahmed from a Muslim nation then Malkin's attitude would have been very much that he should have followed the rules, answered any questions the nice man with the badge asked him and forgot about making any song-and-dance about civil rights that might lead to "a CAIR lawsuit by the civil liberties absolutists...the very people who make a living intimidating and suing vigilant Americans who take homeland security seriously"?

Taking homeland security lightly - IOKIYAR.


  1. Umm, what about this doesn't add up? Joyner is definitely in the minority if he's never been asked personal questions by customs/immigration (not the TSA) at entry.
    Above all, however, immigration agents already know how much money a returning traveler makes because the passport database is linked to SSA and IRS employment records databases. A border thug who asks about employment is asking in order to a) embarrass a traveler, b) exercise dominance over the victim, or c) confirm identity.
    Not answering the question doesn't preserve your privacy because border thugs already know the answer.
    The border thugs also have ready access to your credit history and, in many cases, your medical records.

  2. Now be fair Steve, it isn't just the Muslims, known or unknown, that Malkin and her ilk would be all over for not kowtowing to the border thugs. They have also been pretty quick to harp on anyone with liberal leanings who happen to complain about being harassed by the TSA/Customs/Police/Homeland Security. After all, liberals are a bunch of terrorist-lovers nearly as bad as the terrorists themselves.
    And of course they�re upset that one of their own may have gotten harassed by Customs. I mean, don�t these border folks know that conservatives are by definition the only True Patriots (tm) and are thus exempt from all of the police state apparatus they wish the rest of us to be subjected to?
    In any case, illustrative of the reason why I avoid traveling to the US unless absolutely necessary.

  3. Coming back from overseas two years ago, through Detroit, the TSA guy asked me where I was employed. I told him I was not employed, having just been laid off. He asked me what I was doing traveling when I was un-employed. Explaining to him him that I had a healthy severance, was basicly on an extended vacation/sabatical, and that it was really none of his business, didn't seem to comfort him. Afterward while waiting for my girlfriend to get through the TSA spanking machine, I got to observe a eighty-something Catholic priest who could barely walk being frisked and stripped down for setting off the scanner.
